

Once Upon a Time in Mumbai

India’s most imagined underworld gets world-class treatment in a Netflix drama

Blowing in the Wind

India gets caught in Trump’s trade war—and there’s a price to pay

An Emerging Market at Stake

The Law Commission's unique betting proposition

The Age of Suspicion

In the aftermath of WhatsApp rumours of child kidnappers on the prowl, Hyderabad turns a hostile gaze on outsiders and vagabonds

India’s Most Hated Tree

Its survival instincts make Prosopis juliflora the most hated tree in India—and unfairly so

She, She: Ha, Ha

A new crop of women comedians is breaking into the Indian stand-up circuit with edgy content and smart acts

The Death of UGC

Why India needs a new higher education regulator

Struggle for the Soil

The Adivasis of northern Telangana raise a rallying cry for land and livelihood rights

The Pitch Update

WhatsApp is expected to replace Facebook as the online battlefield in 2019

The Surfer’s Guide to Advertising

An ode to Old Spice for its current relevance


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