
Cover Stories

Rohingya: The Exodus


The Rohingya fleeing military repression in Myanmar may have found temporary shelter in Bangladesh but the crisis is not over yet, and it is more than humanitarian

Modi’s Mandal: The Day of the Most Backward

Tapping the wrath of ‘lower’ OBCs is a strategy that the BJP Government expects will pay off as it goes ahead with a major overhaul of the backward quota system

The Frisson Isn’t the Same

Discard the handset and return to the dark hall. And cry

Salman Rushdie: Novelist of the Now

Salman Rushdie’s new novel is an American classic with Indian ancestry

Triple Talaq Verdict: Some Justice, Finally

The impact of the Supreme Court’s Triple Talaq verdict on Indian politics and Muslim society

Anatomy of a Divorce

A day in the life of a Sharia court

Muslim Women: The Long Road to Equal Rights

A breakthrough judgment but freedom for most Muslim women in India is a far cry. Let Parliament do its bit now

It’s Still A Man’s World

And the struggle must go on

The Doval Doctrine: Never Say Never Again

India’s National Security Adviser may be playing the diplomat with China, but it is his muscular approach to threats that makes him effective


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