
Book Reviews

Fraught States

Suhrith Parthasarathy

The trouble in believing that constitutional crises around the world are symptoms of the same disease

Love to Hurt You /
Love to Hurt You
Rahul Saini
Sense and Sensuality

The erotic in India ranges from the subtle to the violent

The Battle for Pakistan: The Bitter US Friendship and a Tough Neighbourhood /
The Battle for Pakistan: The Bitter US Friendship and a Tough Neighbourhood
Shuja Nawaz
Pakistan’s Dilemma

Shuja Nawaz offers an insider’s perspective on strained US-Pakistan ties and challenges for India’s hostile neighbour

The Flowering Desert: Textiles from Sindh /
The Flowering Desert: Textiles from Sindh
Hasan Askari and Nasreen Askari
A Coat of Many Colours

The contribution of Hindus to the arts and crafts of Sindh before Partition

Cow and Company  /
Cow and Company
Parashar Kulkarni
The Anarchy of Chewing Gum

A satirical take on the foibles of the British ruling class and Indian citizens, which resonates even today

Assam: The Accord, The Discord  /
Assam: The Accord, The Discord
Sangeeta Barooah Pisharoty
Beyond Insiders and Outsiders

An astute analysis of identity and belonging in Assam

Capitalism Alone: The Future of the System That Rules the World /
Capitalism Alone: The Future of the System That Rules the World
Branko Milanovic
The Price of Success

Capitalism’s victory is all encompassing but it has also led the world to a cul-de-sac of ideas

The Far Field /
The Far Field
Madhuri Vijay
All About the Mother

In praise of a different kind of woman in fiction

India and the Cold War /
India and the Cold War
Edited by Manu Bhagavan
Being Real

Was India a wily swing state during the Cold War?

Living Mantra: Mantra, Deity and Visionary Experience Today /
Living Mantra: Mantra, Deity and Visionary Experience Today
Mani Rao
When the God Appeared

How are visionary experiences understood by practitioners themselves?


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