
Madhavankutty Pillai

Madhavankutty Pillai has no specialisations whatsoever. He is among the last of the generalists. And also Open chief of bureau, Mumbai  

I of the Storm
Cover Stories
I of the Storm

Getting a better view of ourselves, courtesy the coronavirus

25 December 2020
The Mystery of Paneer’s Presence
The Mystery of Paneer’s Presence

What’s it doing among what Google says people searched the most in 2020?

18 December 2020
Cover Up or Be Damned
Cover Stories
Cover Up or Be Damned

With us since the beginning of civilisation, the mask finally took over the face of human beings but chances are not for long

18 December 2020
Not a Rosy Picture
Not a Rosy Picture

Notes from risking a visit to a theatre to watch a flawed movie

11 December 2020
The Challenge of Vaccine Distribution

Everyone on earth is a potential and necessary recipient of a vaccine

11 December 2020
Of Love Jihad and Other Demons
Of Love Jihad and Other Demons

All families upset at their daughter marrying without permission someone from another religion will find a handy tool to file police cases using the new law

04 December 2020
Clinical Trial and Error
Clinical Trial and Error

Why a Rs 100 crore lawsuit against a vaccine volunteer makes for terrible optics

04 December 2020
In Defence of Livelihood
In Defence of Livelihood

And the case against any further lockdowns, no matter how tempting they seem

27 November 2020
A Vacuum of Answers
The Covid Vaccines Are Coming

It is looking increasingly probable that by early 2021 vaccine rollouts will begin

20 November 2020
Unfree Verse
Unfree Verse

What a $1 million grant for social justice poetry says about the dangers to creativity today

20 November 2020


Brahma Chellaney

Brahma Chellaney is a geostrategist and the author of two award-winning books on water: Water, Peace, and War and Water: Asia’s New Battleground

MJ Akbar

MJ Akbar is the author of, among several titles, Tinderbox: The Past and Future of Pakistan. His latest book is Gandhi: A Life in Three Campaigns

Ram Madhav

Ram Madhav is president, India Foundation, and is with BJP

Makarand R Paranjape

Makarand R Paranjape is an author and columnist. Views are personal.

TCA Raghavan

TCA Raghavan is a former Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan and Singapore. His first book, Attendant Lords: Abdur Rahim and Bairam Khan: Courtiers and Poets in Mughal India, was awarded the Mohammad Habib Prize by the Indian History Congress. He is also the author of The People Next Door: The Curious History of India’s Relations with Pakistan and History Men: Jadunath Sarkar, G S Sardesai, Raghubir Sinh and Their Quest for India’s Past. His latest book is Circles of Freedom: Love, Friendship and Loyalty in the Indian National Struggle


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