

The Ironies of Covid Mutations

Madhavankutty Pillai

With every successive wave, there will be a new variant which will dominate

A Television Yoga Teacher?

He seems capable of achieving miracles which ordinary mortals can hardly contemplate

What Went Wrong?

Any system has an upper load-bearing capacity beyond which it breaks down

From America with Gratitude

Self-reliance does not preclude seeking or offering help

The Confusion Cure

What is the point in making ages 18 to 44 eligible for vaccines without new supply?

Can This New Aphrodisiac Beat Covid Blues?

A ‘miracle’ oil launched by a Chandigarh-based ayurvedic doctor is all the rage

Doses of Hope

The progress made on Covid vaccines in ten months looks like a mad dash for protection against the virus, but the development of vaccines remains a marathon

Doctors Jumping Borders

With the disruption in corporate hospitals, underpaid medical professionals and neighbourhood nursing homes are stepping into the breach

Positive about Covid

Why a certain kind of people want to infect themselves for the greater good

Rich and Powerful Lives Matter

On gaming the system using compassionate grounds to get access to rare Covid treatments


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