

Google Wave

Shivam Vij

If your friend is typing in French and you in English, Google Wave can translate both as you chat

Yes wwwe Can

President Obama has embraced technology as a change agent by appointing Aneesh Chopra America’s first ever CTO

MapMyIndia Light

It comes at a price point that’s affordable for all car users. So if you were waiting for GPS prices to come into reach, here is what you were waiting for

The Google Guru

Rajeev Motwani, a Stanford professor who funded many Silicon Valley startups, will be remembered as a man who bridged the gap between the theoretical and the business world

Wired for Victory, Sirji

It’s an information revolution in India’s remotest corners. Here’s how Naveen Patnaik’s BJD used technology and statistical wizardry to beat anti incumbency

The Walk and Other Stories

Take a walk for more than a hundred kilometres through the villages of Bihar, with a motley group of people who hoped to see the marvellous scientific innovations of astonishing rural minds

Seers of the Computer Age

Just how perceptive can the visually impaired be? Thanks to technology, more than you’d imagine

Wrist Click

The mobile phone made wrist watches redundant. But the wrist was forlorn. Well, the mobile phone has obliged


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