

The Abandoned: No Shelter for Orphans

Ullekh NP

Orphans are being thrown out of shelters even as parents face a shortage of children for adoption

Honour and Shame in Pakistan

Are things changing for the better?

Can’t Blame the Gods

QAnon and other Americanisms that challenge reality

The New Evil Empire. Or Is It?

A search engine may turn us into useful data. Does that make Google a slave trader?

The Revenge of Ideology

Don’t write off the Rasputin of resentment politics

Positive about Covid

Why a certain kind of people want to infect themselves for the greater good

The Tyranny of Coronaphobia

I am concerned that the majority of people can be successfully terrorised into surrendering their individual freedoms, says Ramesh Thakur

The Tree of Life

Community lessons from the plant kingdom

The Woman on the Balcony

Home as rebellion and respite

Nobody’s Novelist

Ottessa Moshfegh’s new book establishes her prowess at excavating the minds of characters on the margins of society


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