Rajeev Masand
Not Quite a Money Spinner | End of the Affair
What Salman Khan’s stardom says about sexuality and ageing in India
Race 3 is a surprisingly downbeat movie, with more talk in it than action
Letting Bygones Be Bygones | Vanity Affair
The matinee masculinity of Hindi cinema’s biggest star
A Party for Glass Ceiling Smashers | The Southern Debutante
Priyanka’s Heartbreak | Only for A-Listers
Forgiven, Not Forgotten | Family over Friends
The film ends up as a crashing bore. This Christmas movie will let you down
Ed Sheeran Meets Bollywood | Cold War in the Studio
Minhaz Merchant
PR Ramesh
Rosalyn D’Mello
Kaveree Bamzai
Lhendup G Bhutia
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