
Richard Nixon

Trump Is the New Nixon

MJ Akbar

He knows where the real threat to America comes from

US Presidential Elections

It has exercised a major hold on the global imagination

Henry Kissinger: Nobel Laureate for Exceptionalism

Kissinger will be remembered as a genius, evil at times, benevolent at times, but admired always even by his enemies

Henry the Last

Kissinger reinvented the axis of global equations with breakthrough ideas implemented with breathtaking insouciance

“A Silent Majority”

A stick to beat back radical impulses

Power Portrait

A graphic tribute to Indira Gandhi

Henry Kissinger: The Soft Power of Super K

A portrait of the world’s most influential diplomat as an idealist. Niall Ferguson in his magisterial biography of Henry Kissinger discovers the intellectual who preceded the statesman

Don’t let clichés mar the partnership

A measure of honest reserve would serve India’s interests better and win Obama’s respect

Playing at War

How two madmen brought the world to the brink of a third great war


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