
Narendra Modi

The Plot Against Modi

PR Ramesh

Inside the conspiracy featuring Teesta Setalvad, Ahmed Patel and others to implicate the then Gujarat chief minister in the 2002 riots

My Friend, Abe San

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tribute to Japan’s former prime minister Shinzo Abe

The Iron Will

How Narendra Modi strengthened India’s defence

Modi Vindicated

After two decades, the Supreme Court finds no evidence of wrongdoing against the Prime Minister

Draupadi Murmu: An Epic Choice

Elevating Draupadi Murmu as NDA’S presidential candidate is a significant step in Narendra Modi’s project of civilisational repair that is bringing the marginalised into the social mainstream

Mothers teach us the values that guide our lives: PM

Narendra Modi provides a rare peep into his growing years and his deep bond with mother Heeraben who turned 100 on Saturday

The Big Jobs Push

Modi has shifted the terms of debate on employment

Silence by Example

The policy against noise in public areas is not just about mosques

Delhi’s Mutual Admiration Society

Unravelling the Lutyens’ state of mind

‘Narendra Modi is not responsible for the decline of the Opposition’

Rajnath Singh, Minister of Defence, in Open conversation with Rajeev Deshpande and PR Ramesh


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