
Mughal emperor

To Die or Not to Die

Ira Mukhoty

The perils of a binary reading of sources at odds with a complicated reality

Aurangzeb’s Reign in the Light of His Own Orders

Aurangzeb’s reign in the light of his own orders

The Truth About Gyanvapi

By Attempting to sanitise Aurangzeb’s anti-Hindu legacy, historians have done him a disservice

Aurangzeb: The Emperor of Counter-Reformation

Dara Shikoh’s defeat was a turning point in history as the concept of an inclusive India yielded to the supremacy of Islam. The consequences of the decisive battle of Samugarh were felt for more than three centuries despite the Mughal empire’s rapid disintegration under the weight of his victorious brother’s bigotry

Aurangzeb on Trial

He partitioned the Indian mind even as he expanded his empire


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