
Lord Rama

The Original Existential Hero

Arshia Sattar

We stay with Rama-the-human because of his resemblance to us

In Sita’s Footsteps

Her lifetime sufferings changed the way the world perceives woman’s strength

Ravana’s Salvation

Rama sat by the feet of the fallen demon king to gain knowledge from him

How Did Indian History Become Myth?

Rama’s memory lives on because of his extraordinary life and persona

Rama: A Reasonable Man

The Rama story is about being true to a pledge regardless of consequences

The Epic Epiphany

The abiding attraction of the Ramayana to Indian society, and to the Indian mind, lies in the innumerable idealised social relations that abound in the epic. Its importance as a template for social bonds is what is often missed in the textual discussions that preoccupy scholars

Where Did the Temples Go?

Justice has been meted out for a historical wrong. Hindus waited for this moment for five centuries and have taken it with dignified restraint. A majority of Muslims too have understood that they were misled by vested interests and it was wrong to destroy and appropriate the places of worship of others

The Future Is Safe

Handing over of the 2.77 acres in Ayodhya will not spell doom for Indian Muslims

Ram’s Ghar Wapsi

Go to any museum or temple in India. Not one murti or figure from premodern India survives without disfiguration. If there is one, then the only explanation will be that it somehow escaped Muslim marauders

The Spirit of New India

When the grand Ram temple is finally built on the site reclaimed from an invading army, the restoration of national sovereignty—the essence of the struggle for independence—would have been completed


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