
Islamic State

The Palestinian Jihad

From Arafat’s empty holster to Hamas’ cult of death

PFI: The Long War on Terror

The ban on PFI is the beginning of a period of legal grappling with an organisation and its associates believed to share their agenda with the Islamic State

Who Wants Salman Rushdie Killed?

Thirty-three years after the fatwa, the author of the Satanic Verses was grievously injured in an assassination attempt at a literary event in New York. The attack, by a 24-year-old man inspired by the forces unleashed by the late Ayatollah Khomeini, reminds the world how alive is the murderous fury of radical Islam against the freedom of ideas and imagination

The Khorasan Bug

The dismantling of an Islamic state module in Kashmir reveals how its handlers were planning to integrate recruitment across the Indian Subcontinent

Best of 2020 Books: Politics: Rethinking Histories

Sixteen Stormy Days | France before 1789 | The Revolution that Failed | Trade Wars Are Class Wars | The World Imagined

The Caliphate Files: Inside the Islamic State Modules of India

“Yeh Us Bhai Ka Threema Id Hai Jo Aapko Message Karega. Inshallah. Unka Pehla Message Hoga: Bismillah. Aapka Jawaab Hoga: Alhamduillah Asalam-U-Walaikum Wahrehmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

The Bloodstained Cross

The war on civilisation reaches Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Prayer After Horror

A report from ground zero

Rising from the Ashes

We overcame once. We can do it again



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