
Digvijaya Singh

Congress in Revival Mode?

Kumar Anshuman

Congress has turned aggressive as Rahul Gandhi prepares to take full command later this year, but old rhetoric and internal rifts hold the party back

The Party Without a Plot

Afflicted by an inert organisation, absent leadership and ideological confusion, Congress needs to forge a revival plan before it’s too late

Charge of the Youth Brigade

The Congress decision to send Digvijaya Singh and Kumari Selja to the Rajya Sabha is part of Rahul Gandhi’s much-touted generational change agenda

“Surprised a rogue officer is being protected by IB”

Congress leader Digvijaya Singh talks to Open about the Ishrat Jahan case, the Congress Party, allegations of communalism, and Rahul Gandhi

The Digvijaya Story

Starting with the PM’s media advisor and the NAC, Delhi still doesn’t get India.

Those Who Still Go Unpunished

If a national monument to the gas tragedy is also to be a reminder of mistakes made, then we should consider putting up statues of a few senior Congressmen.

‘PM, Chidambaram: Law unto Themselves’

Amaresh Mishra, handpicked by Digvijaya Singh to lead Congress’ anti-communal front, has accused Manmohan Singh and P Chidambaram of creating a ‘mindset of terror’ in the party.

Congress’ Secret Talks

While our government was waging war on the Maoists, the Congress secretly approached them for peace talks.

The Talks That Almost Were

A top Maoist ideologue has revealed how Congress General Secretary Digvijaya Singh had tried opening a secret backdoor channel with the CPI (Maoist). Did it have the approval of the party High Command?


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