

Delhi: Surviving the Toxic City

Amita Shah

Health risks increase with every passing year but many Delhi residents still remain indifferent

Don’t Breathe

How Punjab’s populism fuels air pollution

Thota Vaikuntam: Rural Reveries

Thota Vaikuntam’s living pictures celebrate the colours and textures of Telangana village life

Taxpayers’ Money

AAP spent ₹700 crore on blowing their trumpet in ads in several states

Portraits of Exile

Serena Chopra’s photobook from a Delhi neighbourhood reveals the faces and voices of a little Tibet

A Clever Politician

The same trick of free bijli-paani that saw the Delhiites vote in droves for AAP was refined further in Punjab

Putting an end to power sector revadis

The Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2022 will become a law sooner or later and is a key step in this process

Revadi Culture

It should serve as a warning against cheap shortcuts to power

Booze Cronyism

Did AAP’s government in Delhi provide inordinate benefits to liquor licensees at the expense of the public exchequer?

A Single Unified MCD

Restoring order in the functioning of the capital city of India


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