

Covid 19: The Rising Graph

Rajeev Deshpande

In states like Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal

The Linguist and the Epidemic

What the SM Katre collection tells us about the politics of vaccination

China’s Great Leap Backward

Why Modi is unlikely to please Xi with a Beijing visit

“New” Politics

The young poet-politician Kumar Vishwas is top on Kejriwal’s list of people to be fixed

The Class of Covid

For Generation Z, the last two years have forced a shift in perspectives and priorities. A chronicle of how college students survived the pandemic

WHO wanted to release Covid deaths report before UP polls

But India had objected to the lack of verified methodology

The Cultural Traveller

With the retreat of Covid, Indians are on the move again

Poverty Politics

How the number of the poor is sliding in India

No state confirms Oxygen deaths, again

Of 1561 Oxygen plants sanctioned by Centre now 1541 are functional, Govt tells Parliament

Why the booster debate is not an urgent matter

Success of Indian vaccines during Omicron wave and longer lasting immunity means Government can concentrate on vaccine coverage of adolescents


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