

Have You Passed the Nationalism Test?

Shiv Visvanathan

A democracy can do without fan clubs and vigilante crowds

Mamata Banerjee: I’m the Change

In a Bengal that has shed ideals and ideology for pragmatism, politics still swirls around Mamata Banerjee, loved by the bustees and dismissed by the bhadralok. The Didi paradox

VS Achuthanandan: Comrade VSOP

What is it that makes VS Achuthanandan, Kerala’s most youthful politician at 92, the most popular Indian communist? Open  catches up with the relentless fighter as he prepares for another battle

Dalits: Stand up and Be Counted

Dalits across the states are refusing to be anybody’s vote bank

Let the Romance Linger

Nalini R Mohanty recalls a time when every 24 hours seemed to send the pulse of JNU racing to a revolutionary precipice

Sitaram Yechury: The Terminator

Sitaram Yechury faces his biggest test so far in deciding whether to tie up with Congress for the Bengal polls

Congress: Party as a Dirty Joke

From Kerala to Himachal Pradesh, Congress is synonymous with the politics of sleaze and plunder

Amit Jogi: The Man Who Knows Too Much

Amit Jogi, accused, among other things, of fixing an election, once again finds himself at the centre of political turmoil in Chhattisgarh

In the Echo Chamber of Tolerance

Has India become a wonderland where Mad Hatters rule the political roost?


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