

Instagram Kids of Bollywood

Sonali Acharjee

The online sensation of star children

DD Nampoothiri: The Kind Professor

He helps disadvantaged students succeed in a competitive world

Baldev Singh: On the Trails of a Serial Killer

Over two years Baldev Singh murdered at least 16 people and then, after more than a decade, abruptly turned himself over to the police

Number Theory

On the increasing count of children that Hindus are being exhorted to have

Haute Baby Couture

There is a sartorial baby boom and designers are living up to it

Nature and Nurture

Genes play as important a role in a child’s learning as environmental factors

American Bias

Children as young as seven and 10 empathise with and feel differently towards ‘other’ kids

Emerging Readership

Rural library initiatives take books to children who had no access to them

Beastly Tales from Cover to Cover

The assumption that all animal stories are children’s stories is an odd one. Two recent books, by Nilanjana Roy and Musharraf and Michelle Farooqi, remind us that many of our best-loved stories that feature animals have engaged children as much as they have intrigued adult readers

Active Fatherhood

A new study finds that dads who sleep near their children experience a drop in testosterone


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