

Silent Bestsellers

Rahul Jayaram

Cocktail crowds don’t trip over each other trying to grab a photo op with these writers. Celebs, they’re not. But away from the media glare, their books have found more readers than anyone imagined.

Phantoms of the Mind

A novel about ghosts that are as real as the evil in human hearts

The Emperor’s New Portrait

A BBC journalist wades into Mughal history to paint a picture of the fifth emperor in miniature detail, up close and thrilling


Simpsons writer Larry Doyle’s first novel is already a movie. And the second looks set to follow suit.

Grunge in Bangladesh

This debut novel gives you a kick. A quick one

Space Cadet

This author lost his boyhood to science fiction. It was a bit like Dante’s hell: abandon ye all hope, those who enter here


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