
Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Blame It on Boris

S Prasannarajan

Sunak's battle against the inevitable and a journal that stands out

Open Minds 2017: Editor’s Note

Yesterday's public intellectual, fallen from his ideological perch, is the new doomsday monger. In the new order, the loudest one is the least sensible

The Ideological Threat of Islam

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Islam’s most daring heretic, argues for a war on Islamist missionaries

What’s wrong with Islam?

Calling for a reformation movement in Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali in her new book argues that the problem with Islam lies within

Interrupted Faith

Ayaan Hirsi Ali once supported the fatwa on Salman Rushdie. Today, she believes that the notion that the US is attacking Islam is a conspiracy theory.


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