
Akhilesh Yadav

Eyes Wide Open

Madhavankutty Pillai

The BSP-Samajwadi lesson for successful marriages between human beings


The return of Amar Singh and the showy bodyguards of Delhi

The Incompatibles United Against Modi. Really?

The noise apart, how united is the front against Modi?

Rahul, Akhilesh and Wild Asses

Shah takes a call on Himachal | Sex and the Congress | Kapil Sibal's backflip on poll symbols | A pyrrhic Congress gain

Band of Beleaguered Brothers

The struggle for a united opposition to the resurgent BJP falls apart in the absence of a leader or a slogan

UP and Beyond: The National Inflection Point

Modi’s popularity continues to consolidate itself, not in spite of, but because of his gambles

More to Moditva

The aggrieved, the aspirational, the awed and the austere. The anatomy of a history-shifting verdict


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