When 30 is the New 40
Pallavi Polanki
Pallavi Polanki
04 Feb, 2010
How to get divorced by 30. Now, is that a tempting scenario? It is the title of a memoir, by an American television and film writer, that arrived on bookshelves in the US this month.
How to get divorced by 30. Now, is that a tempting scenario? It is the title of a memoir, by an American television and film writer, that arrived on bookshelves in the US this month. The author Sascha Rothchild got married at 27, and three years later, she was not. The paralysing fear of becoming the dreadful stereotype doesn’t seem to have bothered this lady. She says on her blog, ‘Divorced women are still thought of as baggage-laden shrews. In my experience the opposite is true! Divorced women, especially those who have been divorced by 30, have a sense of independence and self-worth.’ Looks like, this book will sell.
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