

Why Do We Need Chimeric Monkeys?

Their birth shows that much more needs to be done before results on stem cells from mice can be applied to humans

A Nine-dimensional World?

A computer simulation using a version of string theory shows that six of nine space dimensions remain confined to very small sizes

In Praise of the Uninformed Voter

In a democracy, the majority can benefit when individuals are uninformed

Beehive as a Brain

Much like neurons in a brain, individual bees may provoke or inhibit the response of an entire swarm

Tales from the Sperm Wars

The observation of very low motility in naked mole rat sperm illustrates the power of evolutionary logic

Boasting Your Way Up

The tendency to exaggerate past performance is true across gender, but men exaggerate more


Turning off an ‘inhibitor’ makes muscles twice as strong in mice and worms, and perhaps in human too

How TB Tricks the Body

The bacterium uses the body’s immune defences to obtain shelter and then multiply

The Raw and the Cooked

Human evolution may have gained much from the extra energy cooking made available

A Hearty Meal

A python’s physiological response to a large meal may hold some promise for the human heart


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