‘There is an urgency and commitment in the voices of the poets in this book.’ A conversation between poets Jeet Thayil and Ranjit Hoskote about an anthology of modern Indian poetry edited by the former
SB Divya’s science-fiction novel, set in 2095, pits humans against Artificial Intelligence. The author in conversation with Aditya Mani Jha
The Akbarnama continues to be relevant not because it valorises one man but rather because it echoes the tenet of unity in diversity
A finely delineated and sharply observed story of a middle-class Delhi family during Partition, by Geetanjali Shree and translated by Daisy Rockwell, wins the International Booker Prize. A first for a translation from India
Monica Ali’s new novel deals with love and betrayal, race and gender. She speaks to Nandini Nair about interrogating stereotypes
Abhilash Tomy relives his 151-day, nonstop, solo journey circumnavigating the globe
Vinod Rai recounts his 33-month stint at BCCI with a ring of authenticity
The government’s motivation behind planning in India is far more interesting than the economic idea of planning