

Sony Xperia Z

A worthy Android phone but a disappointing camera

Seagate Wireless Plus

With this HDD, you do not need to find a Wi-Fi hotspot to watch movies

‘If you have a belief system, give up art’

Howard Jacobson on jealousy among great writers, his fear of obscurity, and why aspiring writers must rid themselves of ideology

A Modern City, Forever Old

Amit Chaudhuri’s window to Calcutta shows a city where incompatible things miraculously coexist

When Bella Meets Heathcliff

From Sylvia Plath to Emily Bronte, publishers are unapologetically lending a light touch to the packaging of literary classics by women

Blackberry Z10

This is a really good phone, but be warned, it is not a typical BlackBerry

Everyman’s Tale

Taj Hassan’s largely unnoticed novel recreates the complexities of life in Maoist-strong zones

Sony DSC-RX1

This is a tiny full-frame camera. But it could easily blow a hole in your pocket

HTC Butterfly

It is big, beautiful and one of the best Android phones around today

The Binge Writer

Madeline Miller can write for 14 hours a day and still maintains she does not deserve to be called a writer. She won the Orange Prize for Fiction in 2012


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