

When a Hero Crumbles

An encounter with feminist writer Germaine Greer

The Second Woman

Prabha Khaitan’s autobiography is an account of a feminist icon who craved independence as much as acceptance by the man she loved

Zenith El Primero Chronomaster Open Power Reserve

A timepiece that’s touted as a technical marvel of pure passion

Xolo X1000

A stylish smartphone with speed to boot

Look Who’s Kidding

Professors who go to such unusual extents to reach readers are impossible to ignore

History is in the Telling

Dalrymple’s book is well researched, but that still doesn’t mean we take his account at face value

The Reconstructor of Mythology

Lord Shiva himself chose him to write his bestselling trilogy, believes writer Amish Tripathi

HP ElitePad 900

An ultra thin tablet optimised for business applications

Between Cricket and Cancer

Yuvraj Singh’s account of how he got into the game and battled cancer is a surprisingly engaging read

Of Misery and Glory

The story of two photographers, Raghu Rai and Kishor Parekh, and their books on the birth of Bangladesh


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