In her memoir, Eve Ensler, author of The Vagina Monologues, talks about how her work in the Congo and her battle with uterine cancer enabled her to re-inhabit her body. In the following excerpt, she tells us how drugs almost destroyed her—and how pot might have helped save her life
David Ebershoff is the editor of two Pulitzer Prize-winning books this year. He speaks of his obsession with the manuscripts he works on
Two books on Narendra Modi establish why it is silly to hope that the bigot will ever be any less bigoted
A new crop of writers are adapting the the tried-and-tested spy thriller to an Indian context, for an Indian readership, with a familiar villain
Mohsin Hamid talks about his new novel, the inevitability of acknowledging the reader, and how his writing has been changed by fatherhood
Anuja Chauhan gives us the kind of romance we fantasise—without spelling out the sex
Prabha Khaitan’s autobiography is an account of a feminist icon who craved independence as much as acceptance by the man she loved
Professors who go to such unusual extents to reach readers are impossible to ignore
Dalrymple’s book is well researched, but that still doesn’t mean we take his account at face value