

The Difficulty of Being Invisible

Mayank Austen Soofi has a very instrusive presence on the pages of his book on the lives of Delhi’s sex workers

Why My Book Didn’t Sell

The book Spies from Space: The Isro Frame-up detailed how the real traitors in the Isro espionage case were CIA moles in India’s Intelligence Bureau. Is that why the book quickly disappeared from bookstores?

Grand Ambition with a Few Jarring Notes

Ranbir Singh Sidhu’s short stories are often pedestrian and spectacular at the same time

Love Stories Are Not Straight

This queer anthology questions labels such as ‘straight’ and ‘gay’ and, among other things, addresses the complications of love

An Absent Memory of a Community

In her book, Sindh: Stories from a Vanished Homeland, Saaz Agarwal explores why the region continues to remain a collective blind spot of Partition, even for Sindhis who fled to India and then tried to erase it from memory. An extract:

Mahabharata Redux

The Last War is a re-imagining of the great epic set in the Mumbai underworld. In the dead of night, a few hours before he and his brothers go to war against their cousins for control of the city’s largest crime empire, Jeet Kuru starts having doubts. But that old fox Kishenbhai will have none of it. Extracts from a new novel

A Director’s Mind

Baradwaj Rangan’s book is proof that there is space for intelligent questions in Indian cinema

Fuzzy Money and Fudgy Logic

This book will not overthrow capitalism, but mounts a critique that deserves a read

His Many Suns

Finally, non-Punjabi readers can feel the anguish in the poems of Lal Singh Dil, a Naxalite poet from Punjab

An Uneven Ride

The television host hits the golf course to get 40 high profile people to reveal the secrets of their success


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