Their existence is old news. But their essence is still evolving. Which is why online shops could yet transform us as consumers
They have been let into the country but do not have permission to make a living here
A tragedy of gigantic proportions can also be an inflexion point for a country with an innate urge to bounce back. So it could be for Japan
What hope does a free exchange of ideas have in a litfest whose organisers themselves won’t stomach dissent?
America has taken upon itself this last decade to reshape the world in its own disfigured image. Will it spend the next decade recoiling from the result?
Even ten years after 9/11, American popular culture continues to mimic the hollow piety of the political establishment. Granted the honourable exceptions
The wave of recent popular uprisings, including our very own, are reminiscent of an ancient cathartic tradition. Some will remember it as the Dancing Mania
Janardhan and Jagan have been partners in ways so clear and clever that they cannot but drag each other down
The RBI wants equity to be equity, with no guarantee of a payback. But foreign PE firms insist on fixed returns on investments