

Left with No Choice

A chilling account of the circumstances under which a Kashmiri Pandit family was forced out of the Valley, the terror that foreclosed all hope of returning, and the grim existence of those who sought shelter in a Jammu refugee camp. Excerpts from Rahul Pandita’s latest book, Our Moon Has Blood Clots

An Obnoxious Turn

The problem with the MIM’s post-UPA political plan

A Justified Licence Raj

The banking sector remains licence-ruled and licences will not be auctioned—for good reasons

The Last Free Lunch

The only way to evade diabetes is to stop evading responsibility for what we eat

The Grinch Who Stole the Gossip

There is merriment and mischief enough, but media parties are a lot less scandalous now

The Memory of Rape

I saw Shilpi Jain the morning of her rape and murder. I still carry the scar of that memory. We all do

Where Are the Missing Men?

All the original everyday people who sparked the first wave of anti-rape protests are gone. Only a handful of feminist activists are continuing the fight

Now for the Final Act

The DMK’s succession drama is fast reaching a conclusion

The Tall Task of Marking Maradona

Extra tall men were once seen as freaks in Kerala. But a tall people’s association has won them acceptance and special jobs--as security guards for Diego Maradona, for example

The Harassed Husbands of India

In the ‘psychological warfare’ between man and wife, there are support groups for victims of skewed laws that lend themselves to misuse


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