

The Missing Girls of Mahendragarh

A despatch from the district with the lowest sex ratio

Professor Fearless

Islamic fundamentalists chopped off his right hand. His college dismissed him. The government abandoned him. His wife ended her own life when she could not take the trauma any longer. And his son was hounded by the police for no reason. Open met TJ Joseph in his hometown in central Kerala. The indefatigable teacher is in the midst of writing his memoir

How They Brought India Down

The Jayanthi Natarajan exposé only adds to the UPA’s inglorious legacy in development

The American who Became a Sikh Yogini

How Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa went from being a hippie to a renowned yoga teacher

Small Wonder

The life and times of Jyoti Amge, the world’s smallest woman


It is not easy to be a former priest or nun in Kerala

In Defence of Literary Dandies and Dandizettes

A poet in Hermès defends the fashion statement of writers

In Search of a Cure for Taxophobia

The Four Canons of Taxation outlined in Adam Smith’s 1776-published classic, The Wealth of Nations, still make for a superb set of first principles

Pathology of the Common Man

What went wrong with Arvind Kejriwal


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