Says BJP’s Chief Ministerial candidate Kiran Bedi, whose victory depends on how well she can get through to the city’s poor and its minorities
Did an Indian create a flying machine eight years before the Wright brothers created theirs, as a new Hindi film claims?
He was considered the ultimate political survivor. Now, Kerala’s 82-year-old finance minister and the country’s longest-serving MLA stands disgraced
Obama’s State of the Union address on 20 January reinforces his protectionist image. It would scare potential investors away from projects such as the Make in India initiative
Suspicious couples and the booming cottage industry of peace-of-mind tests
Rohan Murty launched his ambitious new venture, The Murty Classical Library of India, a philanthropic initiative in collaboration with Harvard University Press
Says Laurent Léger, a Charlie Hebdo journalist who survived the attack on the magazine, of his colleagues who were killed to Open contributor SAMANTHA DE BENDERN who finds in today’s France a threat to national symbols
A section of the political class may not accept it but mounting radical resentment within the Indian Muslim community is a reality
For the masses to be mobilised, the violence must be seen as justified. That means choosing the ‘lowest common denominator’