

The New Homebodies of the Northeast

From smart advertising for local tea to promoting the perfect selfie spot under a bridge made of living roots, the young are giving rural Meghalaya a modern twist

Sabarimala: A Trek Too Far

How women who tried to go to Sabarimala after the Supreme Court judgment were forced to return by devotees who used children as shields

Modi in the Marketplace

The Prime Minister is on target

The Last Days of Manan Wani

The new face of ‘resistance’ in Kashmir, killed soon after he fell out with a Hizbul commander and shifted base, may have been radicalised outside the state

Silence of the Scientists

A recently discovered letter by Galileo offers a clue to the tragic fate that befell the 16th century botanist Garcia d’Orta in Goa and reminds us of the value of freedom

Prithvi Shaw: Boy, That Was Very Tendulkar!

Prithvi Shaw kicks off with a century at 18, invoking memories of another historic debut

KT Rama Rao: Chief Executive of a Startup State

KT Rama Rao, the heir apparent in Telangana, wants to set a national example on welfare

Ketaki Sheth: Her Own Space

The art of Ketaki Sheth is perfected by the intuitive and the digital

Sabarimala: A Matter of Faith

Why the dissenting judgment is right

Divine Right

Caught between God, women and law, Kerala is still debating


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