

Hauntings in Mosul

Anchal Vohra

The dead and the missing in the ruins of this historical city merge into the larger narrative of the future of the Islamic State

Inside South Kashmir, a Year after Burhan Wani’s Death

The Valley’s mad waters (Photos: Ashish Sharma)

The Kargil Chic

From war zone to heritage hub, it’s the new destination of culture tourism in the Himalayas. Pallavi Pundir chronicles the transformation. Photos: Raul Irani

A Harvest of Distress

Farmers are on the brink and the tragedy of Sangrur tells us why

Revolver Rani With a Difference

It was reported as a shotgun wedding in an Uttar Pradesh village. Omkar Khandekar searches for the truth

Underground Dalit Leaders: Band of Brothers

Kumar Anshuman meets the underground leadership of Dalit assertion in western Uttar Pradesh

Erdoğan: The Half President

A dictatorship is taking shape on the Bosphorus. Anchal Vohra in Istanbul captures the fears and anxieties of post-referendum Turkey

Aurangabad Farmer: ‘Let Me Die’

Driven to desperation by debt, an Aurangabad farmer seeks government permission to kill himself

Farming Death in Telangana

Where women farmer suicides are the highest

Daulatram Jogawat: Burden of Life

Omkar Khandekar meets the transformed policeman at his village in Madhya Pradesh


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