Amitav Ghosh in his historical Ibis trilogy reclaims the story of the victims told for so long by the imperial winners who enforced their will with the power of the gun masked by a rhetoric of civilisation
Communists like Raul Castro and Sitaram Yechury face a Trotskyan moment today
India needs more from the man who has broken the Nehruvian establishment
Cosy in their make-believe, the revolutionaries of JNU campus are in permanent denial
Why investors are rushing to Bangalore to get a piece of the tech startup action even amid talk of a 1999-like crisis
The opulence and fantasy of sultans of Deccan India (1500-1700) come alive in an extraordinary exhibition in New York
Telecom companies can’t be allowed to own the internet
A new age of political adventure lies at the end of an election that might also decide whether Britain is one country or several