
Cover Story

Technology Is Destiny

Ashima Roona

A B-School graduate must navigate better

Profound Thinkers

Taking education to the greater heights

MBA Redefined

Faced with challenges, B-Schools are adapting fast to tap new opportunities

The Great Gigification

High-skill talent is veering towards flexible working roles

Tailoring Curriculum

Students must be agile to respond rapidly to changes in the business environment

The Dark Side of Dating Apps

The gruesome murder of Shraddha Walkar by her lover brings out the dark side of dating apps

Forever Maradona

Revisiting Don Diego’s greatest moment

Waiting for a Miracle

The triumphs and tragedy of Indian football

Anatomy of a Scandal

Qatar is likely to redeem itself with a great show but the same cannot be said of FIFA

This Time for Africa?

A star-studded Senegal, a Cameroon with a great pedigree and an ambitious Ghana are confident they can go all the way


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