

A Blind Date in Berlin

One of India’s finest novelists on what he endured at the Berlin Film Festival.

My Name Is Khan

Gigantic in ambition, dwarfed in execution, KJo is back to doing what he does best.


The realism is compelling enough but the sport of carrom doesn’t really make for compelling cinema.


The plot makes no sense whatsoever, but the conversation between the two crooks of eastern UP is to die for.


Forget the historical inaccuracies, this film is nothing but sound and fury and terrible dialogues.

Chance Pe Dance

Yet another simplistic movie about the red carpet dreams of a starry eyed traveller to tinsel town.

Smoking Him Out

When the gaunt, sullen man with a peaked cap came visiting India.

Addicted to Holmes

So passionate is this Indian society dedicated to studying the detective that they think of him as a real person.

Sherlock Holmes

Don’t listen to the purists. Have some fun on the side by spotting the liberties Ritchie takes with Doyle’s characters.

Bollywood’s Script Thieves

The Hindi film industry is notorious for lifting stories. Is there a solution?


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