

Deepika Padukone’s cleavage row: Sensational-sexist-misogynist

Shreya Sethuraman

What everyone needs to understand though, is the line between real and reel is almost non-existent if not blurred

Life after NO

In a very close call, Scotland made a decisive choice, which is almost bittersweet

Robin Williams (1951-2014) – The Tragic Comedian

‘O Captain, my Captain’ you will forever be remembered as the man who bedazzled and changed lives, with your humour and beautiful acting

The changing face of BJP

With the coming of Narendra Modi and his man Friday Amit Shah, the 63-year-old party has experienced a drastic revamp

Modi Mission

From preaching ‘love thy neighbour’ to creating a lasting impression at BRIC, the Indian Prime Minister has maintained a tough demeanour during his foreign visits

Who’ll Stop the Neo-Stalinist?

Putin’s misadventure in Ukraine has now become a global issue. With all fingers pointing at Putin for the gruesome tragedy, he remains undeterred

The Big W

It was an epic tennis final with lightning forehands, delicate slices, and smashing serves coupled heavily with precision and true grit

New lingua franca of power

Till now, only English was the lingua franca- for official correspondence and for diplomatic talks. But with the coming of Modi and his men, Hindi seems to have become the new English.

Muzaffarpur diary: Chronicles of deaths

The story of pain, suffering and death from Acute Encephalitis Syndrome that kills hundreds of poor children in Bihar's Muzaffarpur district every year.

The (In)visible Hand

Never before have the RSS pracharaks worked so hard in the field in converting the wave into a mandate as in the Modi's case.


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