

Confessions of a first-time voter

Just like many of my generation I too was faced with a huge challenge. And why just me, it must have been a difficult and confusing exercise for many first timers alike.

Women and the Indian democracy

What the representation of women in Parliament says about India

Everything in between

Notes from the rows at the fashion week (Part I)

The Speeding Car

Rape in a moving car that froze the city

Common Dissent

The writing is on the wall. Perhaps, Kejriwal is too busy to find time to read it.

That place called transit

Frankfurt airport, transit lounge B,C, D. Not A.

An encounter with music

It is in the most unlikely hours, and spaces that you stumble upon a story. A story that began with an encounter.

Reporter’s notebook

The day I visited a brothel in Kamathipura to write a story

High Fidelity

My first post has to be about music...


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