President Obama has embraced technology as a change agent by appointing Aneesh Chopra America’s first ever CTO
03 September 2009On the Caribbean islands, the immigrant Indian story is laced with shame and bitterness. They are neither Indian enough nor Caribbean enough to be accepted by either community
06 August 2009In America, a chariot procession means something else, something once associated with hippie culture
29 July 2009Fitness dancing in the US has begun moving to a desi beat, thanks to a workout created by an enterprising Indian
16 July 2009Hours before his death, sarode maestro Ustad Ali Akbar Khan couldn’t resist giving his last music lessons
26 June 2009Keep it short. That is Twitter’s message for you. Yet, in just three years, it has already got millions talking
22 June 2009Rajeev Motwani, a Stanford professor who funded many Silicon Valley startups, will be remembered as a man who bridged the gap between the theoretical and the business world
19 June 2009President Barack Obama has not just given African Americans a reason to dream. With him has also come the political awakening of American desis
17 June 2009A chance visit to a film museum turns the arclights on a century-old fight in the US film industry. A tussle that becomes more dramatic if seen through the lens of a new one
09 June 2009