
Art & Culture

Kapila Venu: A Master of Restraint

Kapila Venu gives a feminist and modern twist to the ancient dance form of Koodiyattam

The Khoj Way

Twenty years of curation and experimentation

Bonsai Gone Wild

Curatorial noise overwhelms this ambitious exhibition spanning more than eight decades of creative renderings

Illness as a Metaphor

Turning physical disabilities into advantages of imagination

Masterpieces of Mall Function

When technology makes great impressionists accessible

Getting Better

Fifty years ago, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band changed rock & roll forever

Prabh Deep: Class Apart

Prabh Deep has become the voice of India’s underground hip-hop

Anita Ratnam: The World’s a Stage

The pressure to give up is high but dancer Anita Ratnam continues to use academia and artistry to raise the bar

Anish Kapoor: My Name is Red

Anish Kapoor’s new show in London is a visceral exploration of the internal human body in its most vulnerable state

Sudarshan Shetty: The Perceiving Eye

Despite the diversity in his use of narrative devices and material, Sudarshan Shetty is fixated by the notion of conjoining seeming opposites (Photos: Rohit Chawla)


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