

A Historic Vote at the United Nations

Siddharth Singh

The first and foremost message from the resolution was the return of realpolitik to the world stage, shorn of liberal pieties

Pawar on Pawar

None of the main players can claim the moral high ground as the events really test the adage that politics is the art of the possible

Modi’s Global Playbook

India wants an end to the war in Ukraine in its own interest. While a proactive role has its risks, there is room for creative diplomacy to meet Delhi’s geopolitical goals

AAP’s Options

A serious dilemma for AAP despite the brave front put up by party leaders

Vladimir Putin: Super Tsar

His fifth term may hold more surprises for fans at home than for foes abroad

The Wartime Guru

Revisiting a sage from Kerala in the time of Ukraine and Gaza

Modi at G20

India’s concerns about abjuring war for diplomatic solutions to conflict and its growing unease at Russia have been reflected in the group’s summit declaration in Bali

War and Pause

Russia’s reverses in Ukraine are a warning for Chinese military designs and a test for Indian foreign policy

Private Singer

When Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai was asked to sing a song


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