
Rajiv Gandhi

A Socialist Mirage

Siddharth Singh

Policies that encourage redistribution have a poor track record and Congress’ leftward lurch is more a vision of class war than empowerment

A Gandhi in Memory

Mani Shankar Aiyar provides a friend’s perspective on Rajiv Gandhi’s legacy

Withering Away

The redundancy of the Dynasty and the trial of the Nehruvian legacy

Reminiscences of a Bureaucrat

An officer under Indira and Rajiv Gandhi shares an insider account

The President’s Man

Giani Zail Singh’s tenure reveals the limits and possibilities of the highest office

Dustbins of History

What is deemed enormously significant at a particular time doesn’t necessarily stand the test of time

Shah Bano 2.0

The hijab controversy can take the country into dangerous territory but, unlike the 1980s, it will not take people years to grasp its import

Rahul Bajaj (1938-2022): Scooter Man

Bajaj’s business didn’t just survive but grew in liberalised India

A Bangladeshi Remembers Rajiv Gandhi

What if he had lived to get that second term in office?

A Vice-President’s Reflections

An account of a proud Indian Muslim who occupied the highest offices


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