
Rahul Gandhi

Understanding Dalits: Rahul’s Stepping Stones


Rahul Gandhi’s original aim, as he once said, was simply to visit the homes of the poor, regardless of caste. The poorest huts only happened to be Dalit.

The Rahul Plan

In the electoral fray of Uttar Pradesh, the Congress led by Rahul Gandhi aims to win over major Dalit sub-castes disenchanted with Mayawati.

Falling for a Dumb Debate

The success of the Shiv Sena is that it makes us talk like Bal Thackeray, as evident from Rahul Gandhi’s collegiate statement about the statehood of NSG commandos.

India This Week

Dynasty Politics Breaking JD-U Back; SP’s Golden Oldies; Civilian Dishonour?; Missing: Mark of a National Leader; Four Chief Ministers and a State

From INC to Congress Inc.

It was a party of educated professionals once, and Rahul Gandhi wants to make it so again. But his father before him had tried, and he will succeed only if he finds a new way to do it.

Slow Pace of Fast Change

The Rahul-led Congress has been on a rollercoaster that could disorient anybody else. The young leader, however, retains his smile.

The Great Congress Reconquest

India’s grand old party is sitting pretty, notching up one electoral triumph after another. Is the long forgotten Tina—there is no alternative—factor back with a bang?

Yes, Rahul Should Rule

That is the bottomline. At least Uttar Pradesh, a Congress bastion for yonks and then not for nearly as long, is ready to vote the party in, with Rahul on top.

Rahul’s Muslim and Dalit Connect

The minority report on the man is also fairly upbeat. More than half the Muslims and Dalits polled in the survey feel Rahul is batting for them.

Why Rahul Is Popular

A lot of them, men and women, upper caste Hindus and Dalits, young and old, find Rahul “clean, accessible and energetic”. His looks count for something too.


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