
popular culture

My Fellow Travellers

Suhel Seth

The unmistakable footprint of Indians on the move


Can Indian cinema make it big in Russia again?

Definition Is Destiny

Class, caste, gender, sexuality, age, language. Anything goes as long as the story is told well

The Invisible Other

What makes us who we are? Increasingly in popular culture it is who we are opposed to

The Ultimate Male Model

The anatomy of a pop culture icon

Film Music: Reinvention of the Classical

Cultural power play and the changing aesthetics of film music

Bhupen Khakhar: The Autodidact

The sacred blends with the erotic, and popular culture with medieval miniatures in the art of Bhupen Khakhar

The Death of Counterculture

Even ten years after 9/11, American popular culture continues to mimic the hollow piety of the political establishment. Granted the honourable exceptions

About Science and Sex

Tired of the same old stuff about love and loss, migrants and displacement? Delve into Ian McEwan’s Solar and encounter the discomforts of making science interesting.


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