

So You Were Afraid of Global Warming

Madhavankutty Pillai

The interesting theory that India might actually end up as a better-fed nation because of climate change

The Long View at Long Last

Inflation can distort investment and the overall allocation of resources in an economy

Backward Intervention

The Supreme Court’s decision on the Ambani brothers’ gas fight represents a pyrrhic victory for Mukesh, a loss for Anil and a big win for politicians harking back to the Licence Raj.

Downsizing Manmohan

As the Sonia Gandhi chaired National Advisory Council resurfaces, India’s Prime Minister finds his policy formulation space suddenly cramped.

Waiting for the Trigger

The direction of the market from here on will be determined by the next wave of reforms and its impact on corporate earnings. But can the Government deliver?

The House Doesn’t Always Win

Goa had the right idea about casino tourism until a series of killjoy measures came to spoil the party.


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