
non fiction

Forecast 2024: Life and Past Times

Nandini Nair

Memoirs, histories and investigations that see anew

The Wall Writes Back

Homelands: A Personal History of Europe | A Kidnapped West | Beyond the Wall: East Germany | The Soviet Century: Archaeology of a Lost World | The Ruble: A Political History

Lives and Times

Examining the big issues of our time, from climate change to mortality to the origins of the universe

Long Shadows of the Past

Black Snow | Indigenous Continent | American Midnight | Fight Like Hell | Legacy of Violence | Stalin’s Library | The Lighthouse of Stalingrad | The Hangman and His Wife | Mussolini in Myth and Memory | Interpreting | Photographs and the Practice of History

NIF: Idea to Book

Eleven recipients are awarded The New India Foundation’s prestigious non-fiction writing grant

Best of 2020 Books: Non-Fiction: Our Maladies

The Hidden Hand | The Story of China | The Ratline |Agent Sonya | The Habsburgs | The Nine Lives of Pakistan

Celebrating Differences

Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic | Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line | Red Pill | Vesper Flights

Shashi Tharoor

Member of Parliament and author

The World Is What it Is

Economy and the environment, gender and justice—the big questions of the day


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