
Narendra Modi

A New Deal for Dalits

Rajeev Deshpande

Towards a fairer reservation model

Let the Centre Hold

Striving for an ideal political position

Arc of Anarchy

What 21st-century India can learn from Chauri Chaura

Dial D for Dhaka

India seeks security for Hindus while hoping economic ties will prevail over populist politics

Batting for Disability

Khedkar’s eagerness to flaunt her ‘IAS’ status attracted attention and resulted in a closer scrutiny of her credentials

The Redeemer’s Rite

Narendra Modi has redefined national freedom as cultural inheritance and civilisational memory

The Modi Dynamism

How the prime minister dismantled one legacy and built another

The Kyiv Calculus

Modi’s likely visit to Ukraine will be more than a balancing act

A Matter of Skill

How to unleash the aspirations of young India

It’s All About Political Messaging

Combining cautious populism with good economics


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