

Kerala: Devil’s Own Country

Shahina KK

The Kerala government wants to stop the state’s obsession with the occult with a law against superstition. Can black magic be contained?

Two on a Trip

A well-told memoir on drug abuse, the saviour and the saved

Cut in Two

She may be a magician, but PC Sorcar’s daughter Maneka Sorcar just cannot make gender discrimination disappear

Hope Slips for the Rope Trick

This man brought alive a centuries old magic trick that once had the world agape in amazement. Now, he struggles to make ends meet

Hidden Portals

Platform 9¾ from the Potter books may still elude us Muggles, but scientists are working on a circuitous route that may yet get us there

Soul Safari

Even less than two weeks in Kenya’s stunning wilderness makes for a coffee table book and a case for conservation. Could we expect anything less from India’s most eloquent tiger watcher?


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