

Securing the Border

Rajeev Deshpande

Changes proposed to the Forest Act are a much-needed overhaul of an outdated law, balancing conservation and livelihoods while boosting defence infrastructure

Balancing China

India needs to take a hard relook at how it leverages its external partnerships

The Quad Against Beijing

Decoupling from the Chinese economic stranglehold is difficult

China Throws Down a Challenge to India

The Indian Army today is capable of repulsing a PLA attack and inflicting heavy losses. But do we have the political will?

Is India still paying for Nehru’s China-submissive policy?

The commonsense question is this: How can China have any more claims south of the line it created of its own volition in 1962?

Beijing’s Belligerence

This time round, the Chinese official media groups have created smokescreens, like they did in the run-up to the 1962 war

They Are the World’s Finest Soldiers. Show Some Respect

A former infantry officer debunks some expert opinions about the Indian army fighting in Ladakh

China’s Double Vision

Beijing’s perceptions on the Line of Actual Control are shaped by delusions entrenched since the 1950s


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